Waiting on Pictures
Well, Jamestown was great, a little cold, but no rain. MTA is famous for having the worst rain all season. Unfortunately, the day Jim wore all his new stuff, I had packed the camera carefully away in my basket. Which was in the car under a mountain of stuff. So I asked Cyndy to take some good pictures of him, which she did. I know the pics have been burned to a CD and hopefully placed in the mail, so I'm sure I'll see them soon.
Otherwise I took almost no pictures. We were pretty busy. I did capture one fun photo of Cyndy and Henrietta.
Otherwise I took almost no pictures. We were pretty busy. I did capture one fun photo of Cyndy and Henrietta.
Henrietta had to be the most tame chicken I've ever seen. She sat on Cyndy's lap for about an hour and let children touch her. Cyndy wasn't holding on to her and Henrietta could have left at any time. It was funny!
The chicken is awesome!
Is that chicken real?
Oohh, you are sooo bad ......
I love this photo, what a great outfit!
Ari (Baking and Books)
The only chicken more tame was Pocahontas, who died many years ago. She'd go happily to sleep on your lap, and never got nervous, even with bunches of kids around.
Great photo! Nice that the chicken wasn't being a spaz :)
I don't remember Pocahontas, she must have been before my time. The current rooster, Percy, is such a gentleman, even if he was a bit 'randy' at MTA.
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