Monday, March 05, 2007

Too many projects

I'm not usually this bad. Granted, I do start projects and leave them hanging (sometimes for years). But most of these current projects I have every intention of finishing because either Jim or I actually need them. Jim mentioned before the Volunteer Training Weekend that he doesn't have any wool outfits. Which is true. It's never been an issue before. So I ordered some wool on-line and have started a wool doublet (pictured below) that I will hopefully finish for Military Through the Ages at Jamestown.

I altered a pair of wool trunk hose so that they will fit again. I altered a pair of Clark's Desert Boots to look more Elizabethan. That was easier than I thought it would be. I'm still working on the falling band, but it is closer to completion. I'm still working on my wool bodies.

Meanwhile I desperately want to start a knitting project. I'm refraining from yet one more project in my basket until I finish a few more things.

The wool doublet is coming along, but I'm having more fun with other projects than sewing right now.

Someday it will all come together. I just have to remember to take a picture of it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do it! I always have lots of projects going, too. Sometimes it makes me crazy and other times I'm kind of glad to have something different to work on. In knitting I've got 2 socks, a sweater and a scarf. Sewing: 1 doll outfit and a dress. Maybe I'll get them done before we move!

10:16 AM  
Blogger ML said...

I get that way sometimes! I want to do everything all at the same time, but you know how that goes.

Yes, please do remember to take pictures.

9:21 AM  

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